Why shop here at The Magic Friday Studio?

With all the retailers, creators, shops, and websites hustling for your money, why should you shop here? The answer...

Customer Service.

I'm going to be honest~

Will I be the cheapest? Probably not.
(It would be logistica
lly impossible for me to check every retailer's site to find the absolute cheapest price. I'll be competitive, fair, and current.)

Will I be the fastest? No.
(This won't be the place to have things overnighted to you, this simply isn't that kind of store. Everything will be shipped out within three days of purchase via Post~ with the utmost care)

Will I answer every single e-mail, question, or comment, once you've purchased, with first-hand knowledge of the product because I've actually taken the time to practice and perform the effect in the real world?


Think of this place as a boutique magic shoppe. A kind of place that doesn't review, offer, release, or push products that won't get used. I want one thing~ to help you become a bett
er magician.

The Magic Friday Studio
~The world's most exclusive magic store~

Jamie D. Grant
Magic Friday Studio

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